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current ways to serve
current ways to serve
We have many different ministries at College Hills that all use diverse and unique people, passions, gifts, and resources to play a part in the larger mission of making and nurturing disciples of Jesus in our community. We hope you can see the many ways that God is working through his people at College Hills to bless others!
Leader - Sean Dozier
College Hills Adult Ministry: on Purpose & for Service. CHAMPS
is a ministry of College Hills for those ages 55 and up.
Leaders - Hope Sampson, Casi Ivey
We believe that our kids are not just the church of the future but that they are the church right now. We believe that God created them each uniquely and with special gifts and talents that they can use for furthering His Kingdom no matter their age. We strive to help them discover and use these talents as they grow physically and in relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our goal that every child who comes through the CH Kids ministry will know, feel, and see the love that our God has for each of them.
Children's Worship
Leaders - Drew Lewis, Louisa Lewis
Children’s Worship provides an opportunity for children ages 3 years old through first grade to participate in age appropriate worship through interactive songs, Bible stories, and a puppet show. Worship times occur in first service on the second and fourth Sundays of the month and take place during the sermon time of the main assembly.
Leaders - Judee Barry, Ann Dyal, Terry Harness, Kelly Thorne, Rhonda Williams
The Community Care ministry assists our neighbors who apply for assistance with their utility bills. Those who request help can fill out an application in the church office. Additional information is obtained through phone conversation with the applicant. Financial assistance is offered whenever appropriate and helpful. We also have a prayer and invite our neighbor to worship with us at College Hills.
Leaders - Mitchell Lester, Jake Wilson
The Compassionate Hands homeless shelter is open each winter from December 1 through March 15. College Hills serves shelter guests each Monday night and serves breakfast each Tuesday morning. We need men who are willing to spend one (or more) night(s) at the shelter to assure that our guests have a good night of rest. There’s also a need for families or groups of members to volunteer to provide a nutritious breakfast on Tuesday mornings. We also have a shelter for women in a different location if you are a woman interested in spending the night with guests.
Learn more about Compassionate Hands
Leader - Danny Camp
At one time or another, we all need help. Sometimes that help can come from our own efforts to know God and His will for us. Other times, that help can come from a friend or loved one who encourages us. But sometimes, our problems require help from a professional counselor. College Hills partners with Maple Hill to offer professional counseling through AGAPE Counseling at 102 Maple Hill Road in Lebanon every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Danny Camp, a licensed marriage and family therapist, can help you navigate anxiety, depression, grief, marital issues, parent/child relationships, adjustment issues, anger, season of life issues, stress management, boundaries, trauma, spiritual issues, and a host of other things that can disrupt life. To set an appointment, call our counseling number at 615-547-4244. If for some reason AGAPE is not a good match for you, we can also assist in helping you obtain other counseling services that will best help you.
Leader - Tammye Whitaker
A simple, fun way to help support our mission efforts by creating things for children. Crafting for Missions meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 10:00 AM to noon.
Leader - Pat Meier
American Sign Language interpretation is offered each week during the 8:45 AM worship service and 10:00 AM classes. Trained interpreters offer sign language for people with hearing impairments.
Leader - Laura Luttman
Doe's Closet seeks to show the love of Jesus to needy women upon their release from incarceration. Many of them are without supportive family or friends. We provide a simple set of essential clothing to help them leave the jail with dignity. A note of encouragement is included with each delivery of clothes.
Leader - Karen Eatherly
For over 10 years this ministry has handcrafted winter hats for local school children, women going through cancer treatments, the homeless and our VIPs. We've blessed babies in the New Mother's program with blankets, booties and other layette items. We're currently gifting lapghans to the Wilson County SCAN program for our elderly neighbors. Wednesday evenings a small group gathers during class time to craft, chat, crochet and knit items to bless others.
Leader - Courtney Smith
Families Count is a community outreach ministry which provides court ordered, faith based parenting classes for families in need. The program is specifically designed to provide a support system for families and to point out the God given gifts of every parent.
Leaders - Rick Thorne, Dwight Farris, Ken Dill, Jim McDowell
We are reminded in Scripture to take care of our brothers and sisters "But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." (Hebrews 13:16). We have all experienced “too much month for the money” at some point in our lives. The Family Care Ministry not only provides a little extra help with “too much month”…we also take the time to meet with, pray with and counsel those in need to help them get through the rough patch they are experiencing. No judging, just loving.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Galatians 6:10).
Leader - Johnny Markham
Our Family Ministry, partnering closely with our Children’s and Student ministries, assists the home in being the primary place where faith is nurtured. These programs support and supplement - without replacing - what children and teenagers are learning at home. Family Ministry is designed to help parents and grandparents successfully navigate the parenting years by providing a common path for church and home through the Path of Legacy Mile Markers. We encourage, educate and equip parents to impress a love for God onto the hearts of the next generation through special classes and seminars. Healthy marriages are encouraged through the Grace Marriage program. Our annual Labor Day Family Encampment is a popular tradition as well.
Leader - Pam Thorne
The Funeral Meal Ministry was created to provide our bereaved families an opportunity to gather together immediately following their services and be served a home cooked meal in a private, homelike setting at our building. Our mission is to reflect the heart of Jesus as we serve and comfort them, while relieving them of this need. Ministry participants provide dishes from a set menu and/or host and serve the meal. The commitment requires very impromptu scheduling and is facilitated by rotating teams.
Leader - Tom Wallace
College Hills partners with Habitat for Humanity of Wilson County to sponsor one “build day” a year to help build a house that a new homeowner will purchase from Habitat. No construction experience is necessary, just a willingness to help. There is always a job for everyone on the build site no matter what their experience. If you cannot come to the build site, there are also opportunities to help support the College Hills team by helping to provide food (breakfast, lunch, snacks) and/or water/drinks or funds.
Leaders - Charles Cantrell, Floyd Dunnavant, David Luttman
The Hearn House serves as a Christian transition home for men who have had struggles with addictions, jail time, or other life interfering problems. The men are required to attend worship and three Bible classes per week. All residents have jobs and pay rent. The Hearn House is an alcohol and drug free environment. The goal is to enrich the lives of the residents with the love of God and to include God in their daily walks of life. Volunteers are needed to work one on one with the men to assist with individual needs.
Executive Director - Sean Dozier
Hearthside Senior Living is Lebanon’s unique Senior Living Community - designed for seniors to age in place - all within a safe, comfortable, and Christian environment. Hearthside has beautiful independent retirement homes designed for an independent lifestyle with maintenance-free living. Hearthside also continues the excellent tradition of assisted living for those seniors who need additional services. Hearthside Senior Living - an independent retirement community and assisted living community - all on one campus in the heart of Lebanon.
Hearthside Worship
Leader - Lamar Moore
Hearthside Senior Living is a Christian retirement community that is dedicated to providing care and compassion to their fellow residents. Every week, we lead a worship service with Hearthside residents from 11:15 am - 11:45 am. There are many ways for all ages to serve: participating in worship service, visiting to bring cheer to a resident's day, or helping with crafts and gifts for the residents.
Freeman Family Fund
Leaders - Robin Carr, Rick Thorne
This ministry was established many years ago to provide financial assistance to eligible individuals who wish to reside at Hearthside. It was named in honor of John and Betty Freeman after their years of service to Hearthside. Funding is provided via private donations and the Church Vision Budget. Individuals are approved for assistance based upon need and availability of funds.
Leader - Autumn Roeder
New Life Behavior Ministry Correspondence Courses are a set of nine different lesson series containing 10 to 13 lessons in each series that are sent to jail inmates upon request. As they complete each series, they mail their answers to the church office, where they are graded and returned with the next lesson. Once an entire series is completed, the student receives a certificate to keep in their permanent file at the jail. The lessons cover a wide variety of life phases and areas of personal growth, such as anger management, parenting matters, Christian marriage, substance abuse, attitudes and behaviors, and true freedom. In the past two years, six inmates have graduated from the entire program. We currently have 125 inmates enrolled.
Leader - Carol Locke
The MAGI ministry prepares boxes of school supplies, hygiene items, clothing, and toys to be shipped by Healing Hands to children in other countries. "Packing parties" fill boxes with items that have been donated or purchased with donations. Each Spring, families are given the opportunity to pack a box with their children. We have finished 1,000 boxes the last three years.
Leaders - Cherie Ham, Jenny Swain (scheduling)
Hours of operation for the food pantry are Monday, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, except when the church office is closed. Volunteers will be in charge of handing out shopping lists to each of our guests and then filling and bagging those orders and taking them out to the guests' car. A "How Can We Pray For You" sheet is included for our guests to fill out, and then we will pray for them as they need. Workers are usually only asked to work once every six weeks. We also have a list of people who are willing to fill in on an as-needed basis.
Leader - Larry Grippin
Each Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM a group of men gather together at a local restaurant to pray, read the Word and encourage one another. Typically we meet for about an hour. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other brothers and grow closer to the Lord. The Bible study which is led by a different brother each week lasts about 30 minutes which allows ample time for conversation and breakfast.
Leader - Landon Roeder
The Missions Ministry seeks to fulfil the Great Commission by reaching beyond our walls, city limits, and cultural comforts to those in spiritual and physical need throughout the world. By working directly with specific missionaries and engaging with other mission organizations, this ministry strives to grow local Christians while serving current and prospective Christians internationally. Whether grading Bible study lessons or packing MAGI boxes in Lebanon; building, serving, or evangelizing in-country; or supporting mission efforts through prayer and finances, there is always a place for you to help in our efforts to reach the lost.
Leader - Carol Locke
Our Platinum Ministry works to encourage the senior members of our church family who no longer are able to join us for worship. In February each year we offer an adoption program to connect active members to someone who is no longer able to be active, with cards, prayers, and sometimes with visits. We will prepare and deliver small goody baskets to these Platinum members several times a year.
Leader - Charles Morgan
The Prayer Ministry is a serving ministry that blesses our members, their families, and friends. It is composed of a group of Prayer Warriors who gather on Wednesday evening to thank God for our blessings and to pray for everyone on our prayer list. As we do this, we prepare cards of encouragement to be mailed to those covered by prayer.
Leaders - Maegan Doak, Ashton Spence
The Pregnancy Help Center seeks to support families in our community who need help physically and spiritually in the care of their family. We primarily serve mothers who are pregnant and/or have children under one year of age and are unable to get basic necessities for their upcoming addition or older children. We strive to be Jesus' hands and feet by listening, understanding, and helping those expecting growth in their family during a difficult time.
Leader - Ricky Gulley
We partner with the Red Cross and the Wilson County Emergency Management Agency to host an emergency shelter when the need arises in our community. It could be for just one day or for several days depending on the disaster. Our facilities support providing temporary dormitory housing and meals as well as allow us to host health services for victims. We need people to serve as hosts and to help with food if it becomes a multi-day shelter. Training is available.
Leader - Nancy Ash
The purpose of School Store is to provide school supplies, backpacks, and some clothing for children of families in our community who may be struggling financially. We want to ensure children can begin the new school year with appropriate materials and not be embarrassed or feel inferior if their family cannot provide the required school supplies or appropriate clothing. Each August is a new beginning for children. This ministry allows all children to enter school with confidence and pride knowing they have what is needed to be successful in this new beginning. This ministry relies on donations (monetary, backpacks, school supplies, and clothing), prayers, hours of sorting and folding clothes, packing parties, and many volunteer workers on the day of the School Store Giveaway.
School Store Clothing
Leaders - Linda McDowell, Carol Locke, Adam Knott
Our School Store Clothing team prepares two tops, two bottoms, two pieces of underwear, and two pairs of socks for school children from size 4 through size 18 to distribute at our annual giveaway the Saturday before school resumes each year. We give gently used donations and new purchases from donated money. We know that beginning school with new clothes is a boost to self confidence and a good start to the school year. We want all children to feel the love of Jesus.
Leaders - Lauren Lee, Megan Moser
Teen girls need love, guidance and encouragement. The Sisters in Spirit Ministry is a short, six week program which takes place each year during the months of January and February. The program endeavors to provide a positive connection with an older sister in our church family. The program, which concludes with a tea, creates an opportunity for a long-term relationship that mentors and encourages.
Leaders - Sid Johns (Sunday mornings), Drew Lewis (Wednesday evenings)
One of our goals is to provide a loving and safe environment for our members and guests to worship. To accomplish this we have volunteers posted in multiple locations throughout the building during services. These two-person teams are the first line of protection for our members and guests and are on the lookout for anything of concern that might be occurring. They are in communication with the other security teams via two-way radios and are also connected with an on-site uniformed deputy sheriff. These volunteers serve for one month periods, twice a year. Along with these teams we also utilize multiple security cameras throughout the building that are monitored during services.
Bridal Showers
Leader - Sandra Johns
Our goal is to provide support and encouragement to couples as they start on this new journey. This ministry has been a blessing to families for over forty years. Each shower has one coordinator and five hostesses who provide decorations and food for the celebration. The Bible says a cord of three strands is not quickly broken and that is what our church family is doing with this ministry, building a cord of community to surround and uplift couples as they approach their wedding day.
Baby Showers
Leaders - Ally Bost, Lyndsey Harris, Hope Sampson, Ashton Spence, Samantha Wilson
The Baby Shower Ministry helps organize showers for members who are expecting their first baby (or ‘first’ since attending College Hills). Hostesses are recruited and plan the details of the event. The ladies of the congregation are typically invited to attend. It is an excellent opportunity to reach out and bless our young growing families at such a special time in their lives.
Leader - Traci Nicholson
The College Hills Student Ministry exists to equip students (7th-12th grade) to be disciples of Jesus who go out into the world and make more disciples. We desire for the walls of our church to be as permeable as possible, as we seek to carry out the mission Jesus gives us in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all the nations.
Rhythm is an important word for us. We believe Jesus displayed different rhythms for life that we are called to lean in to. When we begin to live in rhythm and tune with God, then our lives begin to look more and more like Jesus. We would love for you to be a part of this adventure with us.
Leader - Connie Testamand
The VIP Ministry is a special adult ministry for people with unique abilities and challenges. Our mission is to help all individuals belong and grow at their own pace to love and follow Jesus. We offer worship and class on Sunday mornings and class on Wednesday nights. We provide additional activities and outings throughout the year.
Leaders - Maegan Doak, Ashton Spence
The Wednesday Night Meal ministry is a great time of fellowship and community. We invite you to come, enjoy delicious food, and connect with friends. Don't miss out - it's the perfect midweek pick-me-up. Meal schedule TBA.
Leader - Taylor Moore
The Women’s Ministry is a community of women who gather to strengthen relationships, fellowship, mentor, and connect in a thriving environment. Through various Bible studies, retreats, social events, and service projects, our hope is that you will engage with God, grow in Christ, and uplift and encourage your fellow sisters.
Leader - Joy Rhodes
Our mission is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). We equip Christians with a powerful tool to share the Good News of Jesus with the world. You can become a light to the world right where you are by becoming a World Bible School missionary working with students who choose to study with printed postal lessons or via WBS Internet. It is rewarding to work with people who are excited about studying the Bible and who also express appreciation to the one who takes the time to send them lessons and be their study helper. World Bible School is You Sharing Jesus.
Leader - Jon Reynolds
Worship ministry offers opportunities to serve the congregation by leading our thoughts in prayer, focusing our attention on Jesus by overseeing the Lord’s Supper, or publicly reading selected passages from the word of God is a powerful way to bless our community of faith. Singing on the praise team is great way to help the congregation hear their part as we encourage everyone to “sing and make melody in your hearts to God.” Greeters are always needed to welcome members and guests as they arrive for worship. Typically, greeters serve for one month at a time. There are a number of opportunities to serve in our audio-visual crew.
Worship Audio-Visual Technology
Leader - Jon Reynolds
Each worship service and numerous other events hosted by College Hills require technical support from the team managing the audio-visual systems of the church. Opportunities to serve in this area include both in-house and broadcast audio, digital video production and recording as well as facilitating live presentations using PowerPoint like tools. Extensive technical experience in these areas is not a requirement, training is available.
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