
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating and that going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at College Hills a great one.

Service Times and Location


College Hills Church of Christ

1401 Leeville Pike

Lebanon, Tennessee 37090

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Weekly Schedule


8:45 AM   Worship in the Worship Center

10:00 AM Bible Classes

11:00 AM Worship in Worship Center



6:30 PM   Bible Classes for all ages

Office Info

Open Monday-Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM and Friday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Email - info@collegehills.org

Phone  615-444-9502

Fax  615-444-8443

What Can I Expect? 

Our desire at College Hills during our assembly is that you will be inspired, equipped, and challenged to more closely follow Jesus. Our worship services, which last one hour, will open with a period of praise to God led by our worship team. Song lyrics will be projected on the screen to make it easier for you to engage in worship. Each week we also experience the Lord’s Supper together. During this time of communion, you will receive a piece of bread and a small cup of juice, which is symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus. This moment in our worship is designed to help us orient our lives around the living Christ. A relevant and timely message will also be shared by one of our ministers. This message, drawn from the pages of the Bible, will help us practically apply the scripture to our lives. In addition, a collection will be taken to be used to bless our community in very tangible ways. First time guests will receive a gift at the Welcome Center in our lobby at the conclusion of our gathering.

Find out more about Sunday Mornings at College Hills.

What about my kids? 

We believe that kids and teens should have a blast at church every single week! At College Hills, one of our top priorities is to create a fun, loving atmosphere for young people to come to know the love of Christ. Another priority is your children's safety. Because of that, we have a detailed check-in process for our CH Kids program. Children's Ministry staff are available to help you  at THE ARK (info desk in the children's ministry wing).

Children's Church is available the 2nd and 4th Sunday morning of the month during the 8:45 worship service for children 3 years old through 1st grade. Children's church is a time where children go to learn how to worship God with age appropriate activities.

Babies from birth until 2 years old are cared for during 8:45 worship in our nursery wing. A mother's nursing room provides privacy adjacent to a quiet sleeping room.

For children older than Pre-K, Quiet Bags are available in the Worship Center for their use while sitting with their parents during each worship service.

Visit the CH Kids page for more information on all of the other children's programs we offer.

Our Student Ministry for grades 7-12 also meets during our Bible class hour at 10 AM. Visit the CH Student Ministry page to learn more.

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