CH Groups 2025

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah." Acts 5:42, NIV

The purpose of Life Groups is to make connections, engage with each other, and promote a diversity of Christian fellowship, making and nurturing disciples of Jesus.

In 2025, we are going to offer Life Groups from March to May and from August to October. They will plan to meet about twice a month in the spring. We will have a variety of groups that span from traditional Bible study groups to activities-based or even service groups.

1. Life Groups: The purpose of these groups is for spiritual development, disciple making, and encouragement. These groups are going to include devotional/Bible-based discussions. They may or may not include fellowship meals and other social activities. Materials will be provided as a resource.

2. Ministry Groups: These groups are designed to provide service for, or ministry to the church or community. Examples might center around ministries such as Families Count, the Pregnancy Help Center, or MAGI boxes, or activities such as sign language classes, Crafting for Missions, or Wednesday Night Meals.

3. Activity Groups: These groups are solely focused on fellowship and identify with a specific activity. Examples would include pickleball, basketball, woodworking, etc.

4. Bible Class Groups: Tuesday Ladies Bible class, Men’s Wednesday Prayer Breakfast, Families of Faith class, etc.

Sign up February 16 and 23 in the Lobby for a spring Life Group. Fall signups will be the last two weeks in July. For more information, contact Jon Reynolds.

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