CH Groups 2025
Owen / Brown Group (lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They are welcoming 4 people to their group.
Kevin & Jana Owen
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wade & Arlene brown
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Morgan group (Lebanon)
This Life Group meets at College Hills on Sundays at 5 pm. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 6 people to their group. They currently have no families with kids.
Charles & Margie morgan
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Camp / Cluck group (lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 15 people to their group.
Danny & Lisa Camp
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Van & Janet Cluck
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pippin / schofield group (North Mt. Juliet / Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 15 people to their group.
John & Kim Pippin
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Tim & Jessica Schofield
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edinger group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 15 people to their group.
ted & shana edinger
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reynolds / Hopper group (Mt. Juliet)
This Life Group will meet in homes. Both families live in Mt. Juliet. They will meet once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 15 people to their group. Kids are welcome.
jon & kristi reynolds
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Rob & jennie hopper
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Gailbreath group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 10 people to their group.
Frank & JoAnn Gailbreath
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owens / cozart l2 group (Lebanon / Watertown)
This Life Group will meet in homes once or twice a month. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 10 people to their group, no kids.
phillip & Rebecca owens
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gary & Terry cozart
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rickaway group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet in homes and at College Hills. They meet once or twice a month on Sundays at 5 PM. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome 6 people to their group.
james & Joretta rickaway
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magi box group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet weekly at College Hills. The schedule is TBD. Typically, they meet on Thursdays or Fridays at 10 AM. Monthly email communications are sent. They will focus on service. They welcome as many as possible.
carol locke
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platinum Ministry group (Lebanon)
The Platinum Group meets once a quarter to prepare and deliver treats to our Platinum members.
carol locke
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women's ministry group (Lebanon)
The Women’s Ministry provides events and activities for the women of College Hills throughout the year.
taylor moore
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The Clubhouse group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet at the Hearthside Clubhouse on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 5:30 PM. They will focus on prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussions. They welcome anyone to their group.
alan & Sharon garner
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wood workers group (Lebanon)
This group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. They fellowship and learn how to work with wood. Anyone is welcome.
Alan garner
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Men's Prayer Breakfast group (Lebanon)
This group meets at Shoney's on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM.
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world Bible School Group (Lebanon)
This Life Group will meet at College Hills weekly. They will focus on providing Bible resources for their students.
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