Are you new to College Hills? We're glad you're thinking about worshiping with us on Easter morning. We are a multigenerational family of believers in Christ who have been saved by his grace. We’d love for you to join our journey.
On Sunday, April 20, we will be offering 3 different times
of worship, a free breakfast, and Bible classes and fellowship for all ages. At
7:00 AM, we will start our day with worship in the courtyard* for our sunrise
service. This is a time of singing and communion, and we'll hear testimonies from
a couple of our members.
Then join us for a free breakfast at 7:45 AM in the
Fellowship Center. This is a great time to share a meal as you meet some of our
brothers and sisters at College Hills.
At 8:45 AM, we will have another time of worship inside our
Worship Center, where Preaching Minister, Kevin Owen will deliver a message in
our "Surprised by Jesus" series.
Bible classes are a great place to meet people and study
God's word in smaller groups. Classes for all ages, nursery through adults,
will start at 10:00 AM. Children ages birth through 6th grade meet in the
children's wing, and grades 7-12 meet in the Living Room in the Witt Family
Life Center. Adults have class options throughout the building. Not sure which
one is right for you? Look for someone wearing an "I can help"
lanyard, and they will help you decide.
Our day will conclude with a final worship time at 11:00 AM
in the courtyard.* The worship style will be more contemporary than the other services,
though still acapella (without instruments).
We know you'll fit right in at College Hills! Let us know
you're coming by filling out the form below.
*In case of inclement weather, worship services will move
indoors to the Worship Center.