9/3/24 text

Hey CHSM! We hope you had a great holiday weekend! Here are a few things to lookout for this week:

• Kairos is tomorrow night! Alex will be introducing a new series that we are studying about the ways that Jesus transforms our lives! We hope to see you there! 6:30-7:30 in the youth room!

• SIGNUPS FOR HOMEGROUPS ARE NOW LIVE! Please follow this link to signup for a 2024-2025 HomeGroup:

If you have any questions about HomeGroups please reach out to Alex or Traci!

• Fall Retreat forms will be available starting tomorrow night at Kairos! Go ahead and make plans to be at Fall Retreat from October 18-20! Have any questions? Just reach out!

• If there’s anything we can be praying for, please let us know! You can just reply to this text!

I think that’s it! You are all AWESOME! Each and everyone of you is a GIFT to this WORLD! 🎁💯

sign up links

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...