Divorce care

DivorceCare is considered the "emergency room" for those who have been emotionally wounded as a result of their marriages being torn apart. It is a place to find support, begin healing, and grow spiritually. 

DivorceCare is a 13-week series that is part support group and part seminar. Each session includes a DVD presentation covering a variety of topics pertinent to those experiencing separation and divorce. Some of the topics are depression, anger, loneliness, financial concerns, single sexuality, forgiveness, reconciliation, and what the Bible says about divorce. Christian ministers and psychologists, as well as individuals who have healed from separation and divorce, are the speakers. The remainder of each session is devoted to discussing the content of the DVD and whatever issues the members are currently facing. Workbooks are provided with outlines of the topics in the DVD's, daily Bible readings, pages for journaling, and pages for those who have children dealing with divorce.

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) employs techniques and activities specially developed to help children grieve the losses they experience when their parents separate. The topics parallel those covered in DivorceCare, so parent and child can talk about what they are learning. Leaders help children experience God's love and comfort through a very difficult time in the child's life.

For more information, visit the DivorceCare or DivorceCare for Kids website.  If the current College Hills class doesn't fit your schedule, please go to the Divorce Care website and click on Find a Group, to find a group near you.

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